OCMs: How to Offer OEM Customers a Soft Landing from Obsolescence

By Logan Wamsley

The state of the electronic component market is always changing, and in recent years soaring demand in certain industries is forcing component manufacturers to shorten the lifecycles of their products. The moment demand dips, the market leaves these companies no choice but to transition the part toward obsolescence and shift their focus where customer demand…

What Industries Need Long-Term Storage Capabilities? All of Them

By Logan Wamsley

One of the defining features of Partstat is our ability to offer OEMs a solution capable of helping them maintain “long-term” product lifecycles. While such phrasing is accurate, what “long-term” actually means varies from industry to industry. What is long for the smartphone market, for example, is not on par with even the shortest medical…

The Dangerous EOL Assumption Regarding Electronic Components

By Logan Wamsley

The EOL designation granted to an electronic component approaching obsolescence used to have a certain meaning to OEMs. It indicated that the component was ending its natural buyer cycle, that customer demand had slipped beyond the point of being profitable, and that it was time for the supplier to move on. It was a designation…